德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® is telling 消费者 to “Look for the R” as part of the association’s annual 广告 campaign promoting members.

The campaign will last through the summer with messaging that builds on NAR’s consumer 广告 campaign, which began with the “That’s Who We R” message. Ads will be featured across the web, 社交媒体, internet and terrestrial radio, and billboards in high-traffic areas in select markets.

The “Look for the R” campaign tells 消费者 that REALTORS® are the reliable resource who can help with real estate market data, 谈判, 和2021十大正规彩票app. No matter what type of transaction people are considering—commercial, 住宅, 土地, 假期回家, 租赁, 销售, 购买—they should “Look for the R” to ensure they are dealing with en expert.

Materials from the campaign are 可供查看.